Monday, September 16, 2013

Progress is slow of late.....

It has been really hot, I have been working quite a bit and I have lots of projects so time has been thin.... But I bought a new sewing machine that is suitable for sailmaking and all kinds of other heavy type sewing. I had a nice set of patio chairs that were about 7 or 8 years old and sitting in the sun for most of that time (except in winter) and were starting to rot and fall apart. If memory serves, the set of six chairs and a table were about a grand when we bought them. I really don't want to have to replace them so I found a video online showing how to repair them, cost not counting the machine of course, $70.00. But it won't take to long to make the machine pay for itself and when I am done with it, these machines have pretty high resale value. So here is that project, it is in the boat blog because I am practicing my sewing for the sail and because it is keeping me from working on the boat.

The chair on the left of course is just worn out. The chair on the right was but now has a new seat sling and is ready for more years of fun on the patio!!!

Here is my new sewing machine. It has a walking foot does zigzag and straight stitching and can sew thru 8 layers of sailcloth or heavy canvas. There are several projects related to the boat that I can use this for as well as other things around the house.

I have been working on the forward deck area, getting it ready for the plywood deck material. I framed up a hatch opening and the anchor locker right behind the bow.

The anchor locker.

Another view of the anchor locker

And from the outside showing the anchor locker drain holes. There will either be a hatch cover for the locker or some kind of pipe stack to feed the anchor line in with. I guess it should really be called and anchor line locker as the anchor itself will either be attached on deck at the bow or stowed somewhere else.

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