Thursday, January 24, 2013

Interior structure

I have been busy cleaning up inside the hull and filleting the seams for extra reinforcement. I installed the "sheer clamp" at least I think that is what it is called for this boat. And now I am adding floors, frame members and the centerboard case.

Glueing and clamping in the sheer clamp. Lots of spring clamps needed here.

On the centerboard there is a pivot point that is under water. I drilled an oversize hole in the centerboard and both case sides and filled them with a thickened epoxy mix to seal the wood and will re-drill to the correct size for the bushings.

Here I have re-drilled the hole. I am using a pair of bronze oarlocks as the bushing. One on each side, I cut out the rectangular shape of the oarlock so everything will sit flush to the surface. These will be epoxied and screwed into place. The larger bushings go in the centerboard case trunk log and a pin thru it all to act as an axle for the pivot.

Assembled, it looks the same on both sides.

A couple of pics of the floor and bunk frame pieces, more to follow in a few days.

The centerboard case is almost ready to go in. I just have to take care of those bushings and make sure everything is lined up properly so the board can drop without hanging up and such. Concentrate!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Not a lot of new

I have just been cleaning up the interior in anticipation of installing frames and structure. But it has been cold of late and cold makes me slow, and makes me want to go stand in front of the fire. Well I have in fact, been cleaning up the inside of the boat and yesterday I glued up the centerboard blank from some nice Douglas fir. I needed to get that shape established so that I can start on the centerboard case, which needs to go in before I frame up that part of the interior. Well anyway, I rolled the boat out of the shop because it is a tight fit getting to some of my machinery so I thought I'd snap a few pics while it was out in the sun.

I like the bit of tumblehome in the rear quarter.